Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

Al Dasein, Raina & Krista, and New TXRD 2 Career

It's Emperor Slasher again! I was "resting" this blog for awhile but now I wake it up again and I'm bringing you my latest blog: Al Dasein, Raina & Krista, and New TXRD 2 Career. Three of them are all my interest of 3 different interests :D.

First up, Al Dasein.

"Don't expect to race with AIs because the AI Line is so DRECKITUDE."

This is my second track after the CrossRace, my first legit track to be released in gene-rally.com. In the Al Dasein Track, the track embodies "Middle East" track mixed with "Arabia" feel. The cliffs reminds us to the ones seen on Age of Empires II, only this time it's not square-ish.

But still, there's several things that should be improved. Like:

- The surroundings are very empty (Usually middle-east oil sheik's build big facilities to their tracks.)
- Only two stands
- Drecky AI Line
- Roofs on the stands
- A parking area
- Alley of palms around one of paths to claim it ''major path'' with importance like a boulevard
- Place net 3-5 on few places around track
- Club building near pits
- More zooming
- And some others. (Source: Ivo Porc and Quiklis)

But well, it's no surprise for me, because I don't have much experiences on GR trackmaking, and I only drive GRCs :p.

Second, let's shift the gear from GeneRally to America's Next Top Model. 2 weeks ago, the 2-hour finale takes place, and the Cycle 14 winner is Krista White. I thought Raina Hein win the cycle... :(

However, just like Takumi Fujiwara who has a lower-powered car than Ryosuke Takahashi overtake him at the Akina race thanks to his technique, Raina got her international gig. After I watched the [downloaded] ANTM finale episode, Tyra mentioned the names of the successful non-winners like Fatima, Anya, Katarzyna, Mollie Sue, etc. Raina got her Harper's Bazaar Arabia feature which is great :D.

Now, the Cycle 15 is rumored to be a "Rebirth Cycle" with a HUGE MASTER PLAN of Vogue Italia feature/cover/spread/whatever as a prize. What agency suits best? IMG? Elle? Or Anykind? Or stand still with Wilhelmina? (I think ANTM is about to match Russia's NTM's winning record of making a successful winner because as you know, Ksenia Kahnovich got successful after the show, and so does Michela Legrand from Italia's NTM 2).

Finally, I conclude this blog by shifting yet another gear, from being an ANTM Otaku to a Touge Hashiriya. Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift 2 is the game I'm playing on PS2 right now. I decided to start all over again, since the memory card I use to save the game's progress got broken. If in the previous progress I drove an AE85 Levin, now I drive a red Silvia S13. I've installed the "Critical S-Engine Tuning" (AKP-HRM-UNI), power tuning, drive train tuning, weight reduction, and blah blah blah. Sadly I couldn't take away the turbo to become NA, because the Stage 1 category race is NA Fest.

I decided to buy a Levin 1500SR in the Used Car Lot for 600K+ CP (Exact price enknown). Although I've done the "Critical Engine Tuning" and it's an NA, it is 105PS in power and to bring in to NA Fest, it's a dreck.

Damn! I have to go right now, I posted this because today's IT subject material is making blog, and the time is running out. Goodbye guys!

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